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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Publication in the Eurasian Physical Technical Journal is a direct reflection of the quality of the authors' research work and the reputation of the institution that supports them. Original research articles, as well as review articles with analytical descriptions of current problems in fundamental and technical physics, are accepted for publication.

Authors are encouraged to submit research papers that have scientific novelty and practical value after careful reading and review. Make sure that the article material is structured and meets all of the requirements listed below. Submissions will be rejected and returned to the authors if they do not meet these requirements.

  • Scientific article topic and content
    A scientific article should contain the results of original scientific research previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications. Manuscript of the article should contain at least 75% of the original text.
    In "Eurasian phys. tech. j." articles are published in English in 4 scientific areas of technical physics: Energy; Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy.
    The corresponding author must indicate the Journal section in which the article will be published.
  • Structure and design of the article
    The structure of the article includes the following sections:
    Article title, which includes:

    • UDC index is written on a separate line, on the left. Since the ISSN of the journal is registered for the publication of scientific articles in physics, first select and write a suitable index from subsections 53 Physics, then add others, see Classification

    • below is the Title of the article,

    • information about the authors (surname and initials),

    • affiliations of authors (place of main work, institution, city, country);

    • e-mail of the corresponding author*, who submits the article to publication.

    Abstract should consist of at least 5-6 sentences, not exceeding 200-250 words without formula, references, abbreviations. An abstract briefly outlines the relevance and purpose of the study, the object and methods of the study, the main results and conclusions.
    Keywords: at least 3, but no more than 10 basic terms or short phrases without formulas and abbreviations.
    The article text should be divided into structural parts: Introduction, Main part (Theoretical part, Object of study, Materials and Research method, Experimental/calculation technique), Results and Discussion, Conclusion (formulation of the main results; comparison of the results with existing data on this topic; assessment of the scientific novelty and practical value of the results, possible prospects for their use).
    CRediT author statement. According to the requirements for publications indexed in the SCOPUS database, if there is more than one author, it is necessary to briefly indicate the contribution of each author in the preparation of the article, using the Elsevier recommendations - -author-statement (write only the necessary options).
    Acknowledgments and Funding may be shown before References.
    References: All references should be numbered as used in the text ([1], [2-4]) and listed at the article end in ascending order. Self-citation, i.e. references to publications of all co-authors, should not exceed 25%.
    The bibliographic list is compiled in accordance with the requirements:

    • Books, abstracts, patents: Last name and initials of all co-authors. (year of publication). Book title in italics. Publisher and/or city, total number of pages. URL where the online publication is available.

    • Journals, collections of articles, conference materials: Last name and initials of the all authors. (year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics (you can use an abbreviated title). Volume, issue number, “beginning and end” pages (pp. ... - ....), DOI of the article or URL where the online publication is available;

    • Internet links must also indicate the authors, title and URL, date.

    Authors may submit References in accordance with the requirements of international publications with standard journal abbreviations. Use the APA style bibliographic citation format.
    A scientific article, including a bibliography, should not exceed 1-10 pages of text, including tables, formulas, figures (no more than 10) and a list of references (no more than 35), typed on a computer in Microsoft Word. A review article should not exceed 20 pages, including no more than 15 figures and references no more than 45.
    All abbreviations, with the exception of standard and generally accepted ones, should be deciphered the first time they are used in the text.
    Equations in your paper have to be written using the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType.
    Tables, numbered and titled, should be inserted into the text (Times New Roman, size - 10 pt) or have been presented as an appendix at the end of the article.
    Figures should be prepared in a digital form suitable for direct reproduction. Figures shall be submitted on the separate sheets or can be included into the text.
    It is possible to use zip compressors and to transmit the files as an attachment.
    The article and all documentation must be identified by the 1st author’s name: Akhmetov AA_et al_paper; Akhmetov AA_et al_fig.1; Akhmetov AA_et al_Cover letter; ect.
    The text of the article must be formatted according to the Template (font - Times New Roman, size - 11 pt; line spacing - single; alignment - in width), link to the Template
  • List of required documents
    The following files must be uploaded to the journal's website:

    1. Text of the article in Microsoft Word format, possibly with pictures (*.doc);

    2. Pictures (fig1.jpg, fig2.jpg, …);

    3. Figure captions (*.doc);

    4. Cover letter from a university, research institute or organization licensed to conduct research activities must be issued on official letterhead and/or certified by the seal of the organization. By this letter, the university management confirms that the materials of the article (the article title and the authors names have to written in English) based the results obtained by authors do not contain any information representing state or commercial secrets, and the article can be published in the open press. Authors must upload a copy of the signed Covering Letter in PdF format to the journal website. Based on the covering letter the Conflict of interest statement will be written.

    5. Article's data: Last name and initials of the authors, article title, abstract, keywords. Authors from Kazakhstan provide these data in English, Kazakh and Russian.

    6. Author’s data: full name of each author, academic degree, academic title, place of work or study, organization, city, country; SCOPUS Author ID; ORCID iD; contact details (email, phone).

    7. Receipt of payment.Authors should pay for the publication only after receiving notification about a positive decision of the reviewers. link to inf. about payment.


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