Improving the heat resistance of polymer electrical insulation systems for the modernization of induction motors

Improving the heat resistance of polymer electrical insulation systems for the modernization of induction motors




electrical insulation system, polymeric materials, heat resistance, induction motor, weight–size parameters.


"Ensuring high power, efficiency and reliability of induction motor operation while providing small weight–size parameters represents an up-to-date problem. One of the factors limiting the reduction of weight–size parameters when increasing capacities of induction motors is the failure of the insulation system. Therefore, there is a strong need for studying the issues of slot fill when designing an induction motor, taking into account an increase in the heat resistance class of electrical insulation systems. The purpose of the present research is to develop a polymeric electrical insulation system of increased heat resistance for the modernization of an induction medium-capacity motor to reduce weight–size parameters and to evaluate the possible savings of winding material. The paper deals with an analysis on the stator–slot fill for the induction motor. Modern conductor and insulation materials were selected. The necessary calculations for a medium–power induction motor of different heat resistance classes were performed. The usage of the proposed electrical insulation system was substantiated. The analysis shows the possibility of increasing the heat resistance of the polymer electrical insulation systems to save winding material for induction motors without reducing the specified quality level. "


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How to Cite

Leonov, A., Usacheva, T., Lyapunov, D., Voronina, N., Galtseva, O., & Rogachev, A. (2021). Improving the heat resistance of polymer electrical insulation systems for the modernization of induction motors. Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 18(1(35), 34–42.


