Influence of the impact of acoustic cavitation on the physical and chemical properties of water.

Influence of the impact of acoustic cavitation on the physical and chemical properties of water.




ultrasound, acoustic emission, cavitation, mass spectrometric analysis.


"The article presents the results of an experimental study of the changing the ionic composition of water under the influence of acoustic cavitation. The effect of acoustic radiation on the physical and chemical properties of water was studied in the frequency range 20 Hz - 50 kHz. It is shown that the ultrasonic range leads to an increase in the concentration in the area of metal traces and affects the change in the pH of water. The mechanism of action of cavitation leads to a change in the structural characteristics of water. It is shown that one of the manifested effects of ultrasonic cavitation can be used for various applications. "


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How to Cite

Dyussenov, K., Sakipov, K., Shayakhetova, R., Nedugov, I., Aitmagambetova, M., & Yessimseit, A. (2021). Influence of the impact of acoustic cavitation on the physical and chemical properties of water. Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 18(1(35), 65–69.




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