About journal

Founders - «E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan»

"Eurasian Physical Technical Journal" has been published in English since 2004 with 2 issues per year (300 copies) until 2021. Since 2021, journal is published quarterly (4 issues per year).

During its existence, about 500 articles by authors from more than 25 countries of the world have been published. The editorial board includes leading scientists from scientific and educational centers from 9 countries: Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Since 2008, "Eurasian Physical Technical Journal" has been included in the List of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activities in the direction of physical and mathematical sciences.

In accordance with the Order of the KOKSON MES RK No. 52 (January 28, 2021) the "Eurasian Physical Technical Journal" is included in the updated list of publications recommended by the Committee in the following areas: Physics, Energy, Materials Science.


Sakipova Saule Erkeshevna - candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honorary worker of the E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7505-8413, Scopus Author ID 6504154211;  WoS Researcher ID: I-2488-2012), ephtj@mail.ru


Kambarova Zhanar Tursynovna - Technical editor, PhD, associate professor, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 55543382800; WoS ResearcherID: AAV-8669-2020; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9808-5484), kambarova@bk.ru


Aryngazin Askar Kanapievich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (WoS Researcher ID: M-7331-2015), aringazin@gmail.com

Dzhumanov Safarali Dzhumanovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured and Superconducting Materials, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (WoS Researcher ID: ABI-2933-2020), dzhumanov@inp.uz

Zhanabaev Zeinulla Zhanabaevich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Scopus author ID: 15840905700; WoS ResearcherID: B-2924-2015; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5959-2707), ussipov.nurzhan@kaznu.kz

Zeynidenov Asylbek Kalkenovich PhD, Dean of the of Physical and Technical Faculty, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 56386144000; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9232-8406), a.k.zeinidenov@gmail.com

Ibrayev Niyazbek Khamzauly Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Molecular Nanophotonics, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (WoS ResearcherID: C-2957-2015, Scopus AuthorID: 9333698600, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5156-5015.), Niazibrayev@mail.ru

Kadyrzhanov Kairat Kamalovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 6602503350; WoS ResearcherID: P-1055-2014; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8796-0316), kayrat.kadyrzhanov@mail.ru

Kurytnik Igor Piotrovich Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Technology and Quality, Lesser Poland State University, Oświęcim, Poland (ORCID: 0000-0001-6898-8527), ikurytnik@outlook.com

Kucherenko Mikhail Gennadievich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Center for Laser and Informational Biophysics, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia (Scopus Author ID: 7003581468; WoS ResearcherID: E-9515-2015; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8821 -2427), clibph@yandex.ru

Miau Jiun-Jih Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (Scopus Author ID: 7003643826; ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3655-9917), jjmiau@mail. ncku.edu.tw

Narimanova Gufana Nurlabekovna Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Innovative Technologies Faculty, Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), Tomsk, Russia (WoS ResearcherID: AAE-3574-2020; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0885-9480 ), guftana@mail.ru

Potapov Alexander Alekseevich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, Moscow, Russia (Scopus Author ID: 57200740745; Scopus Author ID: 56375460400; WoS ResearcherID: H-6887-2016; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9864-3546;), potapov@cplire.ru

Pribaturin Nikolay Alekseevich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia (WoS ResearcherID: E-1731-2014), nialp@mail.ru

Saulebekov Arman Ormashovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Kazakhstan branch of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 6505502480, WoS ResearcherID: ABA-6235-2020, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6842-9263), saulebekov@mail.ru

Senyut Vladimir Tadeushevich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Nano-structural and Superhard Materials, State Scientific Institution Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (Scopus Author ID: 6508079622; WoS ResearcherID: ABF-2079 -2020; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1595-8516), vsenyut@tut.by

Stoev Mitko PhD, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Southwestern University "Neofit-Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria (WoS ResearcherID: F-9022-2014), mstoev@mail.bg

Suprun Tatiana Tarasovna Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine (WoS Researcher ID: AAH-6957-2020; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5360-388X), suprun@secbiomass.com

Trubitsyn Andrey Afanasevich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Industrial Electronics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Russia (WoS ResearcherID: A-6806-2014), assur@bk.ru

Shrager Ernst Rafailovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia (Scopus AuthorID: 55956811200; WoS ResearcherID: A-6671-2014; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7178-4071), sher@mail.tsu.ru

Jakovics Andris Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of the Multiphysics Processes, Institute of Numerical Modeling, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia (Scopus Author ID: 6602503350), andris.jakovics@lu.lv

Kassymov Serik Sagimbekovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Science and Commercialization, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4979-9127), skasymov@mail.ru

Zeynidenov Asylbek Kalkenovich PhD, Dean of the of Physical and Technical Faculty, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 56386144000; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9232-8406), a.k.zeinidenov@gmail.com

Sakipova Saule Erkeshevna Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honorary worker of the E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID 6504154211; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7505-8413, WoS Researcher ID: I-2488-2012), ephtj@mail.ru

Kambarova Zhanar Tursynovna Doctor PhD, Associate Professor, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan (Scopus Author ID: 55543382800; WoS ResearcherID: AAV-8669-2020; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9808-5484), kambarova@bk.ru

Kobina Victoria Mikhailovna Director of the publishing house of the E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, izdаt-kbu@mail.ru

Goals and objectives of the journal

The main goal of the "Eurasian Physical Technical Journal" is to provide a high-quality publication of modern achievements of scientists and researchers who propose to discuss new results and to test developments on topical fundamental and applied problems of physics and technology, obtained mainly within the framework of the grant research projects.

The scientific concept of promoting scientific achievements in the field of technical physics at the international level improves the quality of research, helps to strengthen international cooperation and level of specialists training of higher school.

In addition, the works presented at international conferences and recommended by the organizing committee but which have not yet been published, can be receive to publication, provided that the author or a group of authors owns the copyright.

Energy, alternative energy, green energy, thermodynamic analysis, physical processes of heat and mass transfer, aerohydrodynamics, materials science, structure of matter, nanotechnology, instruments and measurement methods, device and principle of operation, physics of nonlinear phenomena, electricity  and magnetism, optical properties, astronomical phenomena, atomic and nuclear physics, ect.

Sections of the journal

Physics and Astronomy


Materials Science

Technical Physics

Rules for authors

Research articles are accepted for exclusive publication in the «Eurasian phys. tech. j.»  in English.  The manuscripts must contain original results of investigation in the following scientific areas:



Materials Science;

Physics and Astronomy.

A scientific article should contain the results of original scientific research previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications. Scientific articles submitted for publication in scientific journals should comprise at least 75% of the original text.

The publications of manuscripts should be recommended by official Cover letter of the organization (University) in which the work was performed.


The structure of the article includes the following sections:

Title: includes a separate line on the left the UDC index, information about the authors (surname and initials, name of institution, city, country, e-mail of a corresponding author, title of the article.

Abstract should consist of at least 5-6 sentences, not exceeding 200-250 words without formula, references, abbreviations. An abstract is a short and powerful summary that describes the focus of a research paper.  It could contain the information about why the research study was done, background, what the methodology was and something about the findings of the author(s).

Keywords: at least 3-10 basic terms or short phrases used in the article.

The text should be divided on structural parts: Introduction, Main part (Theoretical part, Methods and materials or Experimental technique), Results and Discussion, Conclusions.

Conclusions: formulating main results; a comparison of the results with the existing data on this topic; assessment of scientific novelty and practical value of the results.

Acknowledgments may be shown at the end of the article text, before References.

References: a bibliographic list is compiled according to the requirements:

- Books, abstracts, patents: Surname and initials of the authors (it is enough to indicate the first three or one surnames, et al), Title of the book in italics, publish house or city, year and total number of pages.

- Journals, collections of papers, conference proceedings - Surname and initials of the authors (the first three are enough), the title of the article, the Title of the journal in italics (you can use the abbreviated title), city and / or country, year, volume, issue number, pages of the "begining and end" (pp. … - … .).

- Internet links also must to indicated the authors, the title and URL

The authors should represent References according to the requirements of international journals on physics, but should to consult preliminarily for standard abbrevi­ations of journal's names. For more information on references guidelines for journal publication you see Harvard reference system: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/guides/write/harvard.htm?part=2


The article and all documentation must be identified by the name of the 1st author: Akhmetov AA_et al_paper; Akhmetov AA_et al_fig.1; Akhmetov AA_et al_Cover letter; …

Margins and padding must match the Template; font - Times New Roman, size - 11 pt; line spacing - single; alignment - in width.

The manuscript, including text, formulas, figures, bibliography, should not exceed 10-12 pages including tables, figures (no more than 6-8) and references (no more than 30-35) of text typed on a computer (Microsoft Word editor. A review paper must not be more than 12-15 pages (including no more than 10-12 figures).

All abbreviations and acronyms, with the exception of obviously well-known, should be deciphered at first use in the text.

All references must be numbered in the text (for example, [1], [2-4]) and listed in numerical order.

Equations in your paper have to be written using the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType.

Tables, numbered and titled, should be inserted into the text (Times New Roman, size - 10 pt) or have been presented as an appendix at the end of the article.

Figures should be prepared in a digital form suitable for direct reproduction. Figures shall be submitted on the separate sheets or can be included into the text.

It is possible to use rar or zip compressors and to transmit the files as an attachment.


A Cover letter from a university, research institute or organization licensed to conduct research activities must be issued on an official letterhead and / or certified by the seal of the organization with permission to publish this article in the open press (indicating the title of the article and the names of the authors in English). It is necessary to send a copy of the signed Cover letter in PdF format.

Authors must upload the following files to the site:

  • Article text (*.doc);
  • Figures (fig1.jpg, fig2.pcx, …);
  • Figure captions (*.doc).
  • Cover letter (*.PdF)

Also, it's necessary to upload by separately file in English and Russian, and in Qazaq (for authors from Kazakhstan):

1) Surname and initials of the authors, the article title, abstract, keywords;

2) Information about each co-author: full name, academic degree, academic title, place of work or study, SCOPUS Author ID, ORCID iD, organization name, postal address, contact details (phone, e-mail)

The author who submitted an article for publication will be considered as a corresponding author.

Publication Fees.  Authors must pay for the publication after receiving notification about a positive decision of the reviewers, see

Content access type

Open Access - Free access policy provides direct open access to all content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results increases the global exchange of knowledge.

Access to the full-text database of published articles in PDF format with annotations in 3 languages ​​is available on the sites of the:

- "Eurasian Physical Technical Journal" - https://phtj.ksu.kz/

- Electronic scientific library of the university - https://rep.ksu.kz

- Republican interuniversity electronic library - rmebrk.kz

- Kazakhstan National Electronic Library - kazneb.kz;

- National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.nabrk.kz;

- Scientific electronic library eLibrary  - www.elibrary.ru

- US Santa Barbara Library (Library Catalog MMS ID 9914848374306531) - UC Library Search - Eurasian Physical Technical Journal (ucsb.edu)
