


effects of radiation, ferrites, magnetic properties, microstructure, sintering, hysteresis loop, coercive force, pore volume


"The results of a comparative analysis of the laws governing the formation of ferrite hysteresis loop parameters sintered in thermal and radiation-thermal conditions were shown. The influence of radiation exposure on the interconversion of microstructure defects and their content in ferrites, depending on the duration and temperature of treatment, was established. Also, it was shown that recrystallization grain growth under irradiation conditions is ahead of grain growth during thermal heating. The observed radiation effects were associated with the effect of radiation on the microstructure. The magnetic parameters are uniquely determined by the compaction of the sample. "


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How to Cite

Stary, O., Malyshev, A., Lysenko, E., & Petrova, A. (2020). FORMATION OF MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF FERRITES DURING RADIATION-THERMAL SINTERING. Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 17(2(34), 6–10.



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