Создание и развитие фундаментального направления «фрактальная радиофизика и фрактальная радиоэлектроника: проектирование фрактальных радиосистем» часть 2. Избранные результаты и перспективные направления.

Создание и развитие фундаментального направления «фрактальная радиофизика и фрактальная радиоэлектроника: проектирование фрактальных радиосистем» часть 2. Избранные результаты и перспективные направления.




Ключевые слова:

радиофизика, радиолокация, нелинейная динамика, теория размерности, текстуры, фракталы, масштабирование, дробные операторы


Во второй части статьи представлены полученные за 40 лет автором и коллективом под его руководством основные результаты по созданию новых информационных технологий на основе текстур, фракталов, дробных операторов и методов нелинейной динамики. Введение в научный обиход радиолокации вышеупомянутых понятий позволило автору впервые в мире предложить, а затем и применить новые размерностные и топологические (а не энергетические!) признаки или инварианты, которые объединены под обобщенным понятием «топология выборки» ~ «фрактальная сигнатура».

Библиографические ссылки

"1 Andreev G. A., Potapov A. A., Khokhlov G. I. Statistical characteristics of millimeter waves reflected by vegetation. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1982, Vol.27, No.10, pp. 1863-1868.

Andreev G. A., Potapov A. A. The effect of chaotic surface irregularities on the reflected pulsed signal of millimeter waves. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1986, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp.1405-1414.

Potapov A. A., Galkina T. V., Orlova T. I., Khlyavich Ya. L. The dispersion method for detecting deterministic objects in texture optical and radar images of the land surface. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1990, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 2295-2301.

Potapov A. А. Investigation of the effect of vegetation cover on the backscattered field of millimeter waves. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1991, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 239-246.

Potapov A. A., Galkina T. V., Orlova T. I., Khlyavich Ya. L. A method for extracting contours of extended deterministic objects in stochastic fields. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1991, Vol. 36, No.11, pp. 2240-2242.

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Potapov A. A., Sokolov A. V. Frequency coherence function of the wave field scattered by a rough surface with a large Rayleigh parameter. Radio engineering and electronics. 1996 Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1071-1076.

Potapov A. A., German V. A. Application of fractal methods for processing optical and radar images of the ground surface. Radio engineering and electronics. 2000, Vol. 45, No.8, pp. 946 – 953.

Potapov A. А. Fractals in radio physics and radiolocation. Elements of the fractal theory. Radio engineering and electronics. 2000, Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 1285 – 1292.

Opalenov Yu. V., Potapov A. A. Stochastic signals and the Radon transformation at raster radar imaging by a microwave digital radar with fractal information processing. Radio engineering and electronics. 2000, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 1447 – 1458.

Potapov A. А. Fractals in radio physics and radiolocation. Fractal signal analysis. Radio engineering and electronics. 2001 Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 261-270.

Potapov A. A., German V. A. Effects of deterministic chaos and a strange attractor at radiolocation of a dynamic system of vegetation cover type. Letters to the Technical Physics Journal, 2002, Vol. 28, No.14, pp. 19 – 25.

Potapov A. А. Fractals in radio physics and radiolocation. Fundamentals of the theory of wave scattering by fractal surface. Radio engineering and electronics. 2002 Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 517 – 544.

Potapov A. A. New information technologies based on probabilistic textural and fractal features in radar detection of low contrast targets. Radio engineering and electronics. 2003 Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 1101-1119.

Potapov A. A., German V. A. On the methods for measuring fractal dimension and fractal signatures of multidimensional stochastic signals. Radio engineering and electronics. 2004 Vol. 97, No. 12, pp. 1468 -1491.

Potapov A. A., Bulavkin V. V., German V. A., Vyacheslavova O. F. Investigation of a processed surface microrelief using fractal signature methods. Journal of Technical Physics, 2005, Vol. 75, No. 5, pp.28 – 45.

Gulyaev Yu. V., Nikitov S. A., Potapov A. A., Davydov A. G. On the development of fractal radio systems. Numerical analysis of electrodynamic properties of Sierpinski fractal antenna. Radio engineering and electronics. 2005 Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 1070-1076 .

Gulyaev Yu. V., Nikitov S. A., Potapov A. A., German V. A. Ideas of scaling and fractional dimension in the scheme of the fractal radio signal detector. Radio engineering and electronics. 2006 Vol. 51, No. 8, pp. 968-975.

Potapov A. A., German V. A. Methods for fractal processing of weak signals and low contrast images. Autometry, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 3-25.

Potapov A. A., Potapov A. A. (jun.), Potapov V. A. Fractal capacitor, fractional operators and fractal impedances. Nonlinear World, 2006, Vol. 4, No, 4-5, pp. 172-187.

Potapov A. A. On the theory of functionals of stochastic backscatter fields. Radio engineering and electronics. 2007 Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 261-310.

Potapov A. A., Gilmutdinov A. Kh., Ushakov P. A. System principles and the element base of fractal radioelectronics. Part I. Stages of formation and state. Radio engineering and electronics. 2008 Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 1033-1080.

Potapov A. A., Gilmutdinov A. Kh., Ushakov P. A. Systemic principles and element base of fractal radio electronics. Part II. Synthesis methods, models and prospects of application. Radio engineering and electronics. 2008 Vol. 53, No.11, pp. 1347-1394.

Bogolyubov A.N., Potapov A.A., Rekhviashvili S. Sh. A method for introducing fractional integrodifferentiation in classical electrodynamics. Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 3. Physics. Astronomy, 2009, No. 4, pp. 9-12.

Bogolyubov A. N., Potapov A. A., Rekhviashvili S. Sh. Interpretation of the diffusion wave equation solution using fractional integro-differentiation. Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 3. Physics. Astronomy, 2010, No. 3, pp. 54-55.

Potapov A. A., Matveev E. N. Fractal electrodynamics, scaling of fractal antennas based on ring structures and multi-scale frequency-selective 3D media or fractal “sandwiches”: transition to fractal nanostructures. Radio engineering and electronics. 2010 Vol. 55, No.10, pp. 1157-1177.

Gulyaev Yu. V., Panasenko S. V., Potapov A. A., Chernogor L. F. Optimal detection and optimal parameterization of the envelope soliton. Reports of the Academy of Sciences, 2011, Vol. 436, No. 5, pp. 606-610.

Rekhviashvili S. Sh., Potapov A. A. A memristor and the integral quantum Hall effect. Radio engineering and electronics. 2012 Vol. 57, No.2, pp. 207-210.

Panasenko S. V., Potapov A. A., Chernogor L. F. Results of the application of algorithms of the optimal detection and estimation theory for the envelope soliton analysis. Radio engineering and electronics. 2012 Vol. 57, No.3, pp. 330-338.

Potapov A. A. The fractal method, fractal paradigm and the method of fractional derivatives in natural science. Bulletin of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University. Series: Mathematical Modeling. Optimal control. 2012, No. 5(2), pp. 172-180.

Malyshev K. V., Potapov A. A., Chernyshev S. L. Shaped superlattices in the classical problem of signal filtering against the background noise based on a meshed nonlinear network. Radio engineering and electronics. 2013, Vol. 58, No.4, pp. 367-374.

Potapov A. A., Shifrin Ya. S., Kuzeev R. R. Genetic and self-affinity methods for fractal antennas development. Antennas, 2014, No. 3 (202), pp. 25-48.

Leonov K. N., Potapov A. A., Ushakov P. A. Applying invariant properties of chaotic signals in the synthesis of new noise-resistant broadband information transmission systems. Radio engineering and electronics. 2014, Vol. 59, No.12, pp. 1209-1229.

Potapov A. A. The origins of fractal-scaling or scale-invariant radiolocation (1980-2015). Radio Engineering, 2015, No. 8, pp. 95-108.

Potapov A. A., Laktyunkin A. V. Frequency coherence function of spatial temporal radar channel of imaging of anisotropic fractal surface and fractal objects. Radio engineering and electronics. 2015, Vol. 60, No.9, pp. 906-913.

Potapov A. A. Fractal and topological sustainable methods of overcoming expected uncertainty in the radiolocation of low-contrast targets and in the processing of weak multi-dimensional signals on the background of high-intensity noise: A new direction in the statistical decision theory. IOP Conf. Ser.: J. Physics, 2017, Vol. 918, No 012015, 19 p.

Potapov A.A. On strategic trends in the synthesis of new types of radar textural and fractal detectors of low contrast objects with the extracting their contours and the localization of coordinates against the heavy clutter background from the surface of the ground, sea and precipitation. Proc. IV All-Russian STC ""RTI Systems of ASD-2016"", Moscow, N.E. Bauman MSTU Publishing House, 2017, pp. 438-448.

Potapov A. A., Potapov Alexey A., Potapov V. A. Fractal Radioelement’s, Devices and Fractal Systems for Radar and Telecommunications. Proc. 14th Sino - Russia Symposium on Advanced Materials and Technologies. Ed. Mingxing Jia. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2017, pp. 499 – 506.

Potapov A. A. Textural and fractal-scaling methods for detecting, processing and identification of weak radar signals and low-contrast images against the heavy clutter background. Bulletin of aerospace defense, 2018, No. 2 (18), pp. 15-26.

Potapov, A. A. Fractals, Scaling, Textures, Fractional Operators and Deterministic Chaos as the Physical and Mathematical Components of the New Conceptions and Methods in Radar and Radio Physics. Proc. IET Int. Radar Conf. 2018 (China, Nanjing, 17-19 October, 2018). Beijing: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2018, No F0275, 6 p.

Potapov A. A. Waves in disordered large fractal systems: radiolocation, nanosystems, clusters of unmanned aerial vehicles and small spacecraft. Radio engineering and electronics. 2018, Vol. 63, No.9, pp. 915-934.

Bagmanov V. Kh., Potapov A. A., Sultanov A. Kh., Wei Zhang. Fractal filters for signal detection in the processing of remote sounding data. Radio engineering and electronics. 2018, Vol. 63, No.10, pp. 1062-1068.

Potapov A. A. Fractal-scaling or scale-invariant radiolocation and fractal signal and image processing. Collection of scientific papers on the 65th anniversary of the foundation of V. A. Kotelnikov IRTE of the RAS and the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician V. A. Kotelnikov. Moscow, V.A.Kotelnikov IRTE of the RAS, 2018, pp. 99-104.

Potapov A. A. Wave scattering on a stochastic fractal surface. Collection of scientific papers on the 65th anniversary of the foundation of V. A. Kotelnikov IRTE of the RAS and the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician V. A. Kotelnikov. Moscow, V.A. Kotelnikov IRTE of the RAS, 2018, pp. 155-159.

Potapov A.A. Fractal electrodynamics. Numerical simulation of small fractal antenna devices and fractal 3D microstrip resonators for modern ultra-wideband or multi-band radio engineering systems. Radio engineering and electronics. 2019, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 735.

Gulyaev Yu.V., Potapov A.A. Application of the theory of fractals, fractional operators, textures, scaling effects and nonlinear dynamics methods in the synthesis of new information technologies for the tasks of radio electronics (in particular, radiolocation). Radio engineering and electronics. 2019, Vol. 64, No.8, pp. (in the press)

Professor Alexander Alekseevich Potapov. Biography and Bibliography reference. Ed. by Academician Yu. V. Gulyaev. Moscow, 2019, 169 p.



Как цитировать

Потапов A. (2019). Создание и развитие фундаментального направления «фрактальная радиофизика и фрактальная радиоэлектроника: проектирование фрактальных радиосистем» часть 2. Избранные результаты и перспективные направления . Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 16(1(31), 144–152. https://doi.org/10.31489/2019No1/144-152




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