Potential difference of metal machine parts methodology for determining the parameters of adhesional properties of materials on the SMC-2 friction machine

Potential difference of metal machine parts methodology for determining the parameters of adhesional properties of materials on the SMC-2 friction machine





tribosystem, adhesion, hardness, coefficient of friction, wear, contact


The paper develops the idea of the capabilities of a standard machine for testing materials for friction and wear SMC-2 to determine the parameters of the adhesive properties of materials. The results of experimental studies of tribological systems of materials “40Х - steel 45”, “12Х2Н4 - steel 45”, “45ХН2МФА - steel 45” are presented. The regularities of the change in the tangential strength of the molecular bond with increasing pressure in the contact, and the coefficients of its hardening during the interaction of the materials under consideration without lubrication are determined. It is shown that in order to reproduce the contact interaction of the operational surfaces of real friction units, it is possible to simulate their shear during deformation provided that full-size fragments placed in regular places of the SMC machine are used. In this case, the equipment of the SMC machine requires minor refinement, which allows us to simulate the shear rate of surfaces as well.


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How to Cite

Kubich, V., Cherneta, O., & Yurov, V. (2019). Potential difference of metal machine parts methodology for determining the parameters of adhesional properties of materials on the SMC-2 friction machine. Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 16(2(32), 78–82. https://doi.org/10.31489/2019No2/78-82


