protection of metal equipment from corrosion, conservation of energy equipment, air drying, adsorption dryer, heat pump, heat recoveryAbstract
This paper describes the development of a heat pump and adsorption system that incorpo-rates a recuperator. A theoretical model is developed to analyze the system's operation numeri-cally. The study includes a numerical analysis of the thermodynamic efficiency, an examination of the changes in air parameters at different points in the system, an investigation of the impact of variations in temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding air, and also an analysis of the effect of the regeneration air temperature on the system's performance. Graphical representations of the system's efficiency are generated by modifying the parameters of the outside air and the re-generation air temperature following the heat pump condenser. The study also explores the in-fluence of the recuperator's efficiency on the overall energy efficiency of the system. The results demonstrate that this advanced system significantly reduces the specific electrical energy con-sumption for air drying compared to systems lacking a recuperator or a recuperator and a heat pump, regardless of the outdoor air parameters.
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