"Application of a complete multi-network method for solving the problem of flows around sphere "

"Application of a complete multi-network method for solving the problem of flows around sphere "





numerical solution, multigrid method, viscosity, flow, sphere, ellipsoid


Using the example of a numerical solution of the classical problem of a viscous flow past a sphere, the efficiency of using the multigrid method was compared with direct calculations. Various difference schemes are considered. It's shown that to go from grid to grid, for a vortex equation, it is necessary to use a 9-point pattern. For different Reynolds numbers the resistance coefficient to friction had been calculated. The limit on the Reynolds number when using the multigrid method is noted.


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How to Cite

Narimanov, R., & Narimanova, G. (2019). "Application of a complete multi-network method for solving the problem of flows around sphere ". Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 16(1(31), 69–72. https://doi.org/10.31489/2019No1/69-72


